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“Scratching My Itch”

Continuing from the last post, here are some images from my trip to the National Wildlife Refuge at Monte Vista. During one morning, this crane was “Scratching His Itch” while feeding at the corn fields.

Scratching My Itch.

During one afternoon, a pair of Northern Harriers were searching for prey while flying low over this corn field. I made several images of these Harriers as they made repeated passes over the fields.

Northern Harrier Above Corn Field.

The ponds at the Refuge, had many male Red-Winged Blackbirds perched on the Cat Tails. At this time of the year they are calling out to attract females, and occasionally feeding off the Cat Tails.

Red Winged Blackbird, On Cat Tails.

In the early morning, the ponds were iced over after nights below freezing. There were several holes in the ice that were occupied by Canada Geese and American Coots. I managed to capture this image as the Coot leapt into flight, probably to escape the close confines of those two geese.

Coot And Canada Geese.

As usual, enjoy these images of the wonderful world around us. Keep healthy and safe.

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