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Grape Hyacinths This Spring, 2024

This year we have a profusion of wonderful little Grape Hyacinth plants! Here is a group of three plants from our garden.

Three Grape Hyacinths.

Bees were attracted to the purple flowers. I was fortunate to capture this bee feeding on one of the hyacinth flowers soon after starting to make photographs.

Grape Hyacinths, With Bee, No 1.

Some other bugs were also active in the hyacinth patch.

Grape Hyacinth, With Bug.

I made the following image where the hyacinth flower head was framed by its leaf.

Grape Hyacinth, Framed By Leaf.

This is some detail of the flower head of another hyacinth flower.

Grape Hyacinth, Flower Detail.

In the following image, I captured the hyacinth flower, peeking from behind a hyacinth leaf.

Grape Hyacinth, Behind Leaf.

The bees were really active that afternoon. Here is another image of a bee feeding on a grape hyacinth flower head.

Grape Hyacinths, With Bee, No 2.

Happy Spring!

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