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Ducks Along The South Platte — wk 46

Late this afternoon, I managed to get down to the South Platte River to see the wildlife (birds). At this time of the year, Northern Shovelers migrate to Colorado. They are more skittish than the Mallards that we see, ane tend to stay out near the middle of the river

Northern Shovelers In the Platte River.

Nearby were several groups of Canada Geese grazing at the riverside. This guy caught my attention because he had some blades of grass caught in this bill that were backlit by the setting sun.

Canada Goose With Grass.

Several geese were taking advantage of light from the setting sun.

Canada Goose In Sunset Light.

Looking downstream, the sun was lighting up the trees along the banks of the river. I made this image of the reflections, just before the clouds obscured the sun.

Sunset Reflections In South Platte River.

Continuing alongside the river, I encountered a group of Buffelhead ducks. These are some of the smallest ducks in the US.

Buffelhead Ducks In The South Platte.

Another group of male Buffelheads joined the group. I noticed that they had formed a circular group of 5 ducks, so I made several images of this group of five.

Five Buffelhead Males.

Over the last couple of weeks, most of the trees and bushes had dropped their leaves. However, I did find these leaves just catching the last of the sunlight.

Sunset Light Catching Fall Colors.

Just as I arrived home, the sun had set over the mountains, lighting up the clouds with a deep red.

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