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Dunedin to Christchurch — wk 13, contd.

The final leg of our trip was the journey from Dunedin to Christchurch. We left in the early morning, with low cloud at Dunedin. We stopped at Moeraki Beach, where several round boulders may be found on the beach. These boulders are almost perfect spheres, 4-6 feet in diameter.

Moeraki Boulders On The Beach. The Beach.

Here is another image of the boulders.

Moeraki Boulders, No 2.

Several of the boulders had broken in smaller fragments. I included these fragments in the following image.

Moeraki Boulders, And Split Boulder.

The next stop was at Oamaru. It was Sunday when we arrived, so the town was busy. We made our way towards the sea and found some parking close to one of the piers. This pier was closed to human traffic and several hundred shags (similar to cormorants) were roosting here. I found this pair that were close enough and not sleeping!

Shags At Pier, Oamaru.

There were the occasional gulls intermixed among the shags. This one had perched on one of the posts.

Gull At Pier, Oamaru.

New Zealand has a relatively small population (about 5 million). However, there are over 70 million sheep and several millon cows. Stopping along the roadside for a driving break, we found these three cows!

Three New Zealand Cows.

We continued on to Christchurch to spend the night, before flying back to Sydney the next day.

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