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Iceberg In The Fountain — wk 7

During the last week, the fountains at Arapahoe Station were activated again. This would be great for making images with ice. The water had been emptied, perhaps for maintenance, during the late fall. This week we had another big freeze. So when I arrived at the station, I thought “I must be in Iceland again!”. For there in the fountain was a big block of ice that looked like an iceberg!


Iceberg In The Fountain, Arapahoe Station.

Walking down to work, I passed by the second fountain in Spectrum Plaza. The sun was reflecting from the windows of the adjacent building creating patterns in the water. I like the way the blue cables and hoses under the water manage to shine through (upper right).


Fountain Reflections, Spectrum Plaza.

The rest of the week remaining below or close to freezing, until yesterday. Making breakfast, I noticed “Water Condensation, In The Kitchen”! Sounds like a murder suspect the board game Clue (or Cluedo)!


Water Condensation, In The Kitchen!

I made several images of the water droplets. In this image, the lines formed by the garage siding formed stripes through the droplets.


Lines In The Water Droplets.

In this image the camera was angled up to include the blue sky, creating an abstract, almost pointillist image.


Water Droplets And The Blue Sky, In The Kitchen.

I like the coral pink and orange colors that created two warm patches of color in the image.


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