Over the last month, we have had a few snow storms and some really cold weather. When the snow melts during the day, the water flows down the street and freezes as ice during the night. The melt and refreeze cycle happens several times until all the snow and ice has melted and evaporated.
This offers great opportunities to capture street ice. The ice patterns offered many different photographs to be captured. In the image below, the ice has melted and refrozen to look like a slow flowing river estuary.

Our street still had many autumn leaves that were trapped under the ice.

As the ice re-freezes, many air bubbles are trapped in the ice, or form in water below the ice. This monochrome image contains a string of bubbles, I have named “Bubble Necklace”.

Sometimes the bubbles form long string of little bubbles. This creates forms that look like the nebula, similar to those captured by the Hubble telescope.

Very often, the ice has yellow-brown patches. For some of these images, I have converted the color to monochrome.

In this final image, the curved lines formed in the ice looks like surf breaking offshore. The pale beige-yellow is reminiscent of sand below the water!

I made half a dozen photo sessions to capture the ice. There is another snow storm and freezing weather forecast latter this week. Maybe there will be more opportunities to capture some more street ice images?