While staying in Höfn, I made trips along the southeast coast of Iceland. At one location, is a lagoon that is separated from the sea by a beach, several kms long. This lagoon has many waterfowl, including these Whooper Swans that passed me on their flight out.

There are several lighthouses and other maritime warning beacons located around Iceland. Most of the lighthouses appear to be painted a bright orange color.

The front door area was one of the few non-orange parts of the building!

When leaving Höfn, I stopped by Stokksnes to make some images of the black volcanic beach sands and low clouds adorning the mountains.

From the overlook, the incoming waves as the surf broke close to the beach. The wind just picked up enough strength to cause spray to be thrown up from the surf.

Further up the coast, there is one location where the wind strength increased significantly. Here there are spectacular waves, surf and wild seas that are caused by the wind.

More to come.