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Great Blue Heron Fishing Sequence, South Platte River

In May, I made a trip to the South Platte River. The river was flowing strongly as a result of releasing run-off from the upstream reservoir at Chatfield. I found this Great Blue Heron on the far bank of the river.

Great Blue Heron, South Platte River.

Here the heron was fishing for the next meal.

Great Blue Heron Fishing, South Platte River.

Soon the heron caught a fish. This looked like a big one about 16 inches in length.

Great Blue Heron Catch, No 1.

I made several images of the heron as it was aligning the fish to swallow.

Great Blue Heron Catch, No 2.

It was amazing to watch the fish make its way down the heron gullet!

Great Blue Heron Catch, No 3.

Wow. What a huge fish!

Great Blue Heron Catch, No 4.

Half way down to the stomach.

Great Blue Heron Catch, No 5.

I never knew that this heron has such a huge capacity in its stomach. I have seen some videos where a Great Blue caught and swallowed a larger fish; it is much more interesting to see this in action.

Great Blue Heron, Satisfied.

That heron looks really satisfied. I wonder how long until the fish is digested and when the next meal will take place.

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