These ones almost got away! I prepared this selection of images in August, but never posted. We often visit Reynold’s Landing, along the South Platte River. I always check out the pond located to the one side of the river. This time, I found this Snowy Egret close to the edge of the pond. I liked his pose as it was looking for food.

These egret struck some interesting poses. Here is another one.

Close to a weir, we found this Night Heron. After several minutes, this heron got his leg up, so I managed to capture this image.

This cormorant spent a good half hour preening. Several times, the bird spread its wings. This was one image that I captured before the cormorant took flight.

We found a couple of Say’s Phoebe along the riverside. This bird is an immature, as witnessed by the fluffy feathers.

Here is another image of this bird.

The other Phoebe was buzzing around close by. Eventually, chasing this one away!