On Sunday, we headed out to check out the bird life at Cherry Creek State Park. We chose to start at the Pelican Point area of the shore. While walking along the shore, we passed several Coot, until we arrived at the point where a creek joined the lake. In the distance a pair of Avocet were dozing in the water. After a few minutes, they came ashore towards us.

I noticed that one bird had turned its head to the sky. The second bird repeated the same move. Were they checking for predators? After a few minutes they waded across the water and started to feed.

Several minutes later they flew along the creek, landing in front of us.

The vegetation along the shore created a much better background than the open water near the center of the lake. Here both resumed walked along the shore with a nicer background.

One bird continued to wade in front of us, feeding in the water.

In this image, I was lucky to capture an image as a water droplet fell from the Avocet’s bill.

Here is the last image that I made while the Avocet was feeding.

Soon after we left the park, heading home for a bite to eat.