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Bosque Del Apache — part 2

Continuing with my trip to Bosque Del Apache. On the third morning, I managed to capture a pair of Snow Geese after they had taken flight for the feeding grounds.


Snow Geese In Flight, Bosque Del Apache

Later in the day, I found a Great Blue Heron, waiting to capture a meal along the bank of the irrigation channel.


Great Blue Heron, Bosque Del Apache

The American Kestrel is the smallest of our raptors, about nine inches in length. I found this little falcon perched on a bush while hunting for his next meal.


American Kestrel, Bosque Del Apache

Leaving the refuge, I stopped by the ponds near the entrance. After the sun set behind the mountains, the golden light of  sky was reflected in the water. I waited for this Sandhill Crane to walk through the golden light, creating a silhouette.


Sandhill Crane Sunset Silhouette, Bosque Del Apache

During the few days around Socorro, I saw three Greater Roadrunners crossing the roads. On the third and final morning, I was heading towards the exit of the refuge. Noticing a hump at the roadside, I slowed down and reached for the camera. After rolling down the window, I stopped to take a look through the camera. Yessss. A roadrunner. This was the best of the half dozen images that I made before this fun bird ran into the bushes.


Greater Roadrunner, Bosque Del Apache

This image made my day! After packing away my gear, I headed back for the return trip to Denver.

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