Last Friday was the first Friday Art Walk along Santa Fe Blvd. Visiting the Denver Art Society, I found one artist’s exhibit in the basement. As I approached the display, I saw this landscape composition. The foreground is a a landscape formed from cotton or some other fabric. The background was a painting.
This would be interesting to interpret in some other ways. First was a regular monochrome image.
I wonder what would happen with toning the image. This is something that I should experiment with in the future.
Moving around the gallery exhibits, I found this piano. In this image, the keys look like a road receding into a landscape. This pattern of receding keys is interrupted by the single white key that can be seen in the foreground. It is this key that really makes the image — to my mind, at least.
Another artist was exhibiting pottery lampshades. I make this composition of the pieces laid out on the shelf.
In this final image, I found a group of paint brushes in a coffee mug. I was drawn to this image by the fan-shaped brush hairs.
These images were posted late because my computer died over the weekend!