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Thursday Night’s Humongous Rain Storm — wk 24

Last Thursday, the monsoon clouds and cold front moved into Denver during the late afternoon. This created a torrential downpour. Arriving back at the DU parking garage, after the light rail commute, I made my way up to the 3rd floor. Traffic along I-25 was moving very slowly. I captured this image that showed the traffic, rain and mist.


Rain Storm And Traffic On I-15

The mist blocked any view that we might have had of the mountains, but made some interesting images of mist and reflections in the pavements.


Apartments At DU In The Storm

After getting back to the car, I noticed that the stadium at DU still had lights illuminating the field. Most of the storm was moving in on the south side of the garage. Water was covering the floors at this point. I moved into the stairwell to make this image through the windows of the stairwell. Water was streaming down the glass, which made for some interesting effects.


DU Through The Stairwell Windows

In the final image, I moved out of the stairwell and took shelter behind a wall. This shows the golden spire and the stadium lights emerging from the misty sky.


Stadium Lights And DU, In The Rain Storm

Leaving the garage, I made my way to the gym and home. Along the way out, I passed a drain (on the 2nd floor) where water was erupting out through through the drain. We must have had a couple of inches of rain that fell up to this point. This carried on through most of the night, causing much street flooding in the metro area.


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