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Shocking Knees and Tomatoes… and Other iPhone Pics

During May, I tried some new and old iPhone apps. While at a meeting, we were discussing making photographs. During this time, I made one image of my jeans, that showed the texture and folds at the knee. I was intrigued by form and texture. This was given the ShockMyPic treatment.


Shocked Jeans

A new app that I have been trying out is Camera Art FX. The cartoon book preset helped me to create this colorful image.


Cartoon Book Door

Another Camera Art FX is the sketch preset. Here is my rendition of our garage siding with bench.


Sketch Garage Siding

Angela and I attended an organic gardening presentation. Here is another image that I made through an opening in the back of chair. The presenter is at the left.


Looking Through The Chair

Picture Effect Magic is another app. The diffuse effect created an an interesting rendition of the roof and gutter against a clear blue sky.


Diffused Roof And Gutter

There is an interesting app called Slit Scan, that scans an image from the iPhone camera. While moving the phone, the scan line continues to travel down. Our dining chair was the subject of this image. The waves were result of moving the phone laterally. When done, I liked the Shocked rendition.


Slit Scanned Chair

While waiting to collect plants from the organic gardening presentation, I made an image of one of the tomato plants. With shock treatment, this produced this great image.


Shocked Tomato Plant

Reading Outdoor Photographer magazine, Tony Sweet wrote an article about iPhone photography. Pic Grunger was one app that he recommended. This was one image that I made of the lampshades in our local Panda Express takeout. Here is the Bleech Spill effect.


Three Aged Lamp Shades




{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Robert Gogolok July 5, 2011, 2:50 pm


    nice article about ShockMyPic. Thanks for using it!

    Best regards,

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