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Beery Heads – wk 5

This week I have included images made from two photo shoots. Fiddler’s Green is a summer concert music venue close to the office. Returning from work, I pass this transformer with the remains of revelry left by previous music lovers.

Beery Heads

Meandering up to the light rail station, I passed by several sculptures at Tuscany Plaza with their feet planted firmly in the ground.

Feet Planted Firmly In The Ground

The recent snow fall (the previous day), still covered the ground in the shady areas, exposing this pile of pebbles.

Pebbles in the Snow

Yesterday I made my way down to the Platte River. There is a Mini Golf course by an iced covered pond. Also located here is an Aqua Golf Range. Here are two golfers surounded by all these golf balls.

Aqua Golfers

The Platte River flows slowly at this time of the year. But there is enough water to catch reflections of the sky. In green…

Platte River Water Flow

And reflections of the trees with the approaching sunset…

Platte River Reflections

Finally, the setting sun falls on the trees that are reflected off the water.

Sunset Reflection in the Platte River

That marks the end of another Colorado winter’s day.

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Sue February 2, 2010, 3:09 pm

    I like the Platte River Water Flow, it looks very peaceful!

  • Angela Grun February 3, 2010, 8:06 pm

    The ping-pong (golfers) are COOL.

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